The Best Apps to Identify Plants

With the advancement of technology, nature enthusiasts now have tools at their disposal that can identify plants with just a photo. These apps are a modern marvel for amateur botanists, gardeners, and anyone interested in learning more about the plants around them. Let's explore some of the best free apps available globally for identifying plants, which can be easily downloaded and used anywhere in the world.


PlantNet is a plant identification app that works like “Shazam for plants”. Users can take photos of plants, flowers, trees or seeds and the app uses a powerful recognition tool to identify the species. With a vast database, PlantNet is extremely useful for students, scientists, researchers and anyone interested in botany. Available for both Android and iOS, this app is an excellent educational and research tool.



PictureThis allows users to quickly and accurately identify plants. Using advanced artificial intelligence, the app analyzes uploaded photos and offers detailed information about the species, including necessary care, possible illnesses and more. In addition to identification, PictureThis also offers gardening tips and a forum for discussion among users. It is a great choice for those who want to deepen their knowledge about the plants they find or grow.



iNaturalist is one of the best-known applications in the world of plant and animal identification. Developed as a joint venture between the California Academy of Sciences and the National Geographic Society, it promotes citizen science by allowing users to share their observations of plants and animals. The app not only identifies plants but also connects users with a global community of nature enthusiasts and scientists, helping to increase knowledge about biodiversity around the world.


LeafSnap uses visual recognition techniques to identify plant species from photos of their leaves. Developed by researchers at the University of Maryland, the Smithsonian Institute and Columbia University, this app has a rich library that can recognize plants from the United States, Canada and, soon, around the world. LeafSnap is a useful tool for both amateurs and professionals working in botany and ecology.


Seek by iNaturalist

Seek is an app created by the developers at iNaturalist that offers a more gamified approach to plant identification. With Seek, users can participate in challenges, earn badges, and learn about the species around them in an interactive way. The app uses the smartphone's camera to perform real-time recognition, providing an immersive and educational experience for people of all ages.


These apps, available for download worldwide, are fantastic tools for anyone interested in learning more about the plants around them. They offer an easy and fun way to explore the natural world, helping to increase knowledge and awareness of local biodiversity. It's always important to remember that while these apps are incredibly useful, consulting an expert may be necessary for more complex or rare identifications.

I am an enthusiast of everything digital and letters. My passion is divided between the rhythm of creative writing and the pulse of technological innovation.

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